Sports Drinks: Do You or Your Kids Need Them? - Yaletown Nutrition
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Sports Drinks: Do You or Your Kids Need Them?

December 8, 2016
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December 1, 2017
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Sports drinks are popular. You see them in convenience stores, fast food chains, and grocery stores alongside pop, vitamin-enhanced waters, and other sugary drinks. Many people think these drinks are healthy. They’re called “sports drinks” so they must be good for active people, right? Not necessarily.

W ith summer fast approaching, it’s important to stay hydrated, but choosing the healthiest drink option for you and your kids can be confusing. Read on to get answers to some common questions about sports drinks.

What’s in a sports drink and why?

Sports drinks are mostly made of water, sugar, salt, and colourings. In 700 mL (one standard bottle) of sports drink, there are about 10 cubes of sugar. Keep in mind that sports drinks are not the same as energy drinks, which contain large amounts of caffeine.

Sugar (aka carbohydrates): Your body breaks food down into sugar, which gives your brain and muscles energy. Muscles store energy for when you need it. When you’re active, your body uses these stores. Someone doing moderate physical activity, like going for a short run or taking a fitness class, is unlikely to run out of energy stores. On the other hand, competitive athletes can run out of energy stores (often called “hitting the wall”), which can affect an athlete’s performance.

Salt: During physical activity, people can sweat a lot. If you’ve ever tasted your own sweat, you know it’s salty! Salt and other electrolytes (like potassium) are only needed during long workouts where sweat losses are high, like in hot and humid environments. For people who don’t sweat or sweat minimally, you don’t need salt in your activity drink.

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If your goal is general health or weight loss as opposed to athletic performance you won’t need to refuel with a sports drink. In this case, all these sports drinks do is add extra sugar and calories to your day.


When are sports drinks needed?

As a general rule, water is the best choice when exercising or playing a sport for less than an hour. You may benefit from a sports drink if you do endurance activities like running or cycling, or high intensity sports like hockey or rugby for more than an hour. In these cases, aim for approximately 30-45g of carbohydrates per hour of intense physical activity (check the nutrition label on your drink). This works out to about 500-750 mL of sports drink per hour. Competitive athletes who work out at a high intensity or for long periods of time need extra energy (carbohydrates) and minerals (salt and potassium) to support their muscle function and to maintain athletic performance. Sports drinks were designed for competitive athletes as an easy source of energy, electrolytes, and fluid.

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For the majority of people, water is the best choice to stay hydrated.


Should my child have sports drinks?

For children engaging in light to moderate activity, having water during activity and a snack before or after, like a PBJ sandwich, granola bar or a banana, should meet their hydration and fueling needs. If they are engaging in high intensity activity and/or engaging in longer duration sport (more than 1 hour), it is best to speak with a registered dietitian experienced in sport nutrition to determine what is best.

Does my teen need sports drinks?

Teens should make sure they are well hydrated before they start any activity, and that they have easy access to water throughout their sport. If your teen is a competitive athlete, training at a high level, the use of sports drinks may offer some benefits by providing extra energy and fluid.

The final word: For the majority of people, water is the best choice to stay hydrated. Sports drinks are expensive and in most cases not needed. Also, having a healthy snack before your activity can give you the energy you need. Check out these tips to help you and your family make healthy drink choices all summer long.

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